Gross is gross
This cycle’s presidential candidates mega gross.
I’m not voting for Kamala Harris for president because I’m a sexist.
The mean stuff that Ms. Harris says about Donald Trump feels gross coming from her because she’s a woman. I’m not used to women talking to men like that—I find it jarring—and that’s at the core of why I’m not voting for her.
I felt bad about being sexist, so I flipped it. And the mean stuff would still be gross if Ms. Harris was a man. It would be megaduper gross if Ms. Harris was a man, and Mr. Trump was a woman.
The mere thought of the woman version of Mr. Trump wins the Halloween party contest for grossest costume.
Most of the stuff the real version of Mr. Trump says is mean and gross. And that’s why I’m not voting for him.
Mean is gross, no matter what.