Trap muzik
Radio Raheem’s geto blaster’s got nothing on the systems attached to the whips that come blasting through my stomps during the small morning hours.
My aunt’s a social justice warrior, and I love her.
She said Donald Trump lacked a redeeming trait to love.
Donald Trump is a human, just like you and me, and his humanity is a trait that deserves love. He may have lost his way, but he’s still human. When we reject someone’s humanity, we reject our own.
I’ve observed that when we demonize humans, they’re way more likely to go full demon.
I told my aunt all that. I also told her I almost lost my humanity the other night when the bone-rattling trap music from the lively bar across the street from the crib shook me on a soul level and out of my slumber.
She advised me to get earplugs or play relaxing sounds on headphones to tune out the noise.
Aunts give the best advice.