These short pieces of spirituality from the streets are my J’essays, a mashup of “journaling” and “essay.” I’m honored you’re here and hope you enjoy the experience.
Moldavite meltdown
I had the time of my life camping inside the Grand Canyon on the Havasupai reservation. My wife, my best friend, and I spent three days dancing with rainbows in the blue-green waters of Havasupai Creek, and chasing waterfalls in red rock canyons on hikes with bridges, ropes, chutes, ladders, stars, sunsets, moonbeams, and butterflies. It was magical.
Warrior wizard
I rocked with several crews in high school, including the jock crew, the stoner crew, and the artsy crew, to name a few. They overlapped and folded into all kinds of fun Venn diagrams, including ones involving my egghead crew.
My egghead best friend is all about college. He attended a fancy, expensive one (on an academic scholarship because he’s super smart) and thinks college is something young people should do.
Care Bear Stare Mode
The white side of my family is freaking out about what’s coming next.
Spell game
Humans are magical. We’re the only species that uses spoken language to communicate. We cast energetic spells with our words, which carry immense creative and destructive power. We must, therefore, take personal responsibility for being impeccable with the Word.
Vamos a ver
I watched the Ancient Apocalypse: The Americas documentary on Netflix with my wife. It was fun, informative, one-sided, and mega trashy. I loved it, especially the wacky Keanu Reeves parts.
Sweet spots
My wife does psychedelic plant medicine all the time. At this stage of her spiritual journey, she spends about as much time in the astral realms as she does in the three-dimensional experience I share with most other humans. Some of our friends in the plant medicine community dial it up a few notches and only touch down to Terra Firma long enough to do the ca$h money dance and plan out the next launch into the cosmos.
Honor the blurp (with Jodi Lopez)
With mindfulness, we develop awareness that we turn what we put into ourselves, into ourselves. This manifests as healthier impulses such as improving our diet, reducing our exposure to negative programming, exercising our bodies, and exercising moderation. We become people who, as Marcus says of a mentor, “enjoy and abstain from things that most people find it hard to abstain from and all too easy to enjoy.”
The ca$h money dance
Everybody do the cash money dance (dance dance)
The cash money dance (dance dance)
The cash money dance (dance dance)
Obama do the cash, cash money dance
Yo mama do the cash, cash money dance
We all do the cash, cash money dance
Obama! (Obama, Obama, Obama)
Yo mama! (yo mama, yo mama, yo mama)
The cash money dance (dance dance)
The cash money dance (dance dance)
Each of us is a unique expression of God with a unique vibrational signature that drives our perception. Most of us believe that the way we view things is the right way to view things because that’s how we view them. This is a classic example of lower-minded egoism.
Viewpoint chauvinism is responsible for most of the conflict throughout human history. We’ve been having the same basic argument with each other since God expelled us from paradise: “I’m right. Therefore, you’re wrong.”
The vibes are off
I’ve always voted in presidential elections, even when I didn’t care for the candidates. My mom told me to cast a ballot for “the lesser of two evils,” which, for her, meant voting for the Democrat. I loved, trusted and admired my mom, so I’ve followed her advice for nearly 30 years.
Things are going to be different this cycle.
Trap muzik
My aunt’s a social justice warrior, and I love her.
She said Donald Trump lacked a redeeming trait to love.